We connect high-growth companies with the most valuable audiences in tech.


Freeman and Forrest is the first influencer marketing service focused on enterprise tech.

We are experienced technical influencers in our own right with decades of combined experience running DevRel, product marketing, and community teams at AWS, Google, Microsoft, and startups.

Now we’ve assembled a dream team of influencer partners across niches from cloud to security to generative AI. They command some of the biggest audiences in tech, and they’re ready to tell your story right now. 


You purchase impressions from us, we do the rest. We’ll unlock the right audience for your specific niche and influencers will post about your product.


We help you refine your copy and assets to land effectively with influencers and their audiences.


Our influencer network earns tens of thousands of impressions on your story to public and private groups where your target audience hangs out.


We pass you all the reporting data to you so you can track your awareness and engagement stats.


You write us one check. It’s just that easy.


Technical decision-makers don’t pay attention to traditional PR. And they’re getting harder to reach via the increasingly fragmented social media landscape. Technical leaders listen to trusted friends and peers. And that’s where influencers can help — IF you use them effectively.


Working with tech influencers is a ticklish business.

  • What are they worth? Enterprise influencers tend to have small, high-value audiences. Their impact comes from the quality of their followers, not the quantity. So traditional B2C influencer management platforms don’t know how to price them.

  • How do you manage them efficiently? Signing and managing a group of niche technical influencers requires never-ending admin overhead — stealing time, resources and procurement cycles away from work that differentiates your business.

  • Is it echoing in here? Companies that do work with influencers tend to rely on a small subset of “friendlies” they already know — creating an echo chamber that limits their reach.


IaaS: Influencers as a Service

We’ve built the service we wish existed when we were at AWS and Google. A turn-key influencer marketing engine of diverse voices that know how to reach the “second locations”, beyond traditional social media, where technical buyers hang out: public and private LinkedIn groups, Slack and Discord channels, niche-specific newsletters and podcasts, and more.

You have an exciting product and need to spread awareness. Our portfolio of enterprise influencers have the credibility and the audience you want to reach.

Purchasing impressions through us means you get the largest ROI for your niche audience fast.